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Inspired by Dunham
…uses contemporary research in "movement science"—biomechanics, bioenergetics, structural anatomy, kinesiology—combined with “somatic movement"—whose primary focus is the dancer's personal, physical experience, rather than the audience's visual one based on the dancer's internal sensation, in contrast with "performative techniques”—to re-articulate Dunham Technique. This practice—Inspired by Dunham—is used to train dancers' proprioceptive skills and to adjust alignment. By strengthening dancers' knowledge of the soma, their technique becomes more intrinsic, internal and personalized and helps to develop the whole person and not just the dancer. These practices may include making corrections with touch, in addition to verbal instructions; focusing on energy and process, instead of the physical shapes they produce; and deliberately relaxing and re-educating habitually-overused muscles as well as incorrect movement execution.
Rooted : A Somatic Enneagram Practice
Rooted is a somatic practice that uses an Enneagram framework to help us in sensing internal sensations that aide our ability to connect mind, body, and heart experiences. Developing personal awareness is essential in integrating each center of intelligence. It is vital to understand which center drives you and which center is undervalued or underutilized? The practice of NOTICING how, where, when and what one feels in the body supports the individual in effortlessly connecting to their thoughts, motivations, triggers, discomforts, and, more importantly, their patterns of habit. Self-awareness is the first step to begin the process of changing your life.
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